Umbria For Family

umbria for family

The Umbria For Family project, strongly supported by the Umbria & Bike Consortium, aims to enhance a destination where families can find their holiday expectations satisfied.

More specifically, the objectives of the Umbria For Family project are:

The umbria for family portal

The offers presented on the Umbria For Family portal are all based on games, educational entertainment and assistance to tourists to increase the perceived value of staying in Umbria in the certainty of being able to count at all times on a support network of companies connected between their. The offers will have two main themes "Nature that Teaches" and "Games of History", all aimed at enhancing the natural and valuable environments available to the region and the culture, history and traditions of Umbria seen and interpreted however in the logic educational game for children and kids.

The Umbria For Family portal wants to facilitate access to the territory and allow a conscious choice aimed at enhancing an "expected quality". It allows remote planning, at the time of choosing the holiday, of the period of time that the family will be able to spend in the “Umbria For Family” business circuit. In addition to the possibility of choosing all-inclusive packages, the family can independently organize their holiday by choosing from the best solutions for sleeping and selected experiences in the area.

Umbria for family room

We have created a UMBRIA FOR FAMILY ROOM formula designed specifically for the family in which children who sleep in the room with 1 or 2 adults have the following discounts:

1° CHILDgratis50%
2° CHILD25%50%
3° CHILD*50%50%

*Only if available quintuple in the structure.

Il Progetto è stato realizzato in risposta al Bando emanato dalla Regione Umbria e relativo alla programmazione comunitaria dei Fondi Strutturali 2014–2020 ed in particolare dei Regolamenti (UE) n. 1303 e n. 1031 del Parlamento e del Consiglio del 17 dicembre 2013 e dell’Accordo di partenariato 2014–2020 dello Stato italiano con la Commissione Europea e del POR-FESR Umbria 2014-2020, Asse 3 – Azione 3.2.2 e Asse 8 – Azione 8.2.1, approvato dalla Commissione Europea in data 12 febbraio 2015 con Decisione C(2015)929 e successive modifiche. Costruzione e promo-commercializzazione del prodotto turistico Umbria Family, finanziato con i fondi POR FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 3.2.2