The Trebbiano Ring

Nature That Teaches

Discover this itinerary and its variants
The Trebbiano Ring can develop over different lengths:
Corto is 55 km long and with a vertical drop of +/- 900 metres, it is suitable for everyone.
Medium has a length of 75 km and with a vertical drop of +/- 1400 meters it is suitable for everyone
Lungo has a length of 95 km and with a vertical drop of +/- 1750 meters it is suitable for everyone

All the itineraries allow you to visit all the territories of Trebbiano Spoletino: beyond Castel Ritaldi, Giano dell’Umbria, Campello sul Clitunno, Trevi, Spoleto.

All routes will develop mainly on paths, dirt roads and secondary asphalted roads. There may be short sections on roads that are fairly busy with vehicular traffic.

The routes are developed in a ring with departure / return in one of the main places in the area: Spoleto, Campello sul Clitunno, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, etc.

Would you like to live a unique and special experience on this itinerary?
You won’t regret it!
Ask us for information, we’ll make the perfect tailor-made experience for you!

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