The appointment for the whole family dedicated to the fruits of the forest and to the ancient and forgotten ones is back at the Bosco di San Francesco. An opportunity to spend a day outdoors between walks and workshops. For the occasion Arborea Archeology, which for 40 years has been promoting research on old varieties of fruit plants, proposes a pomological exhibition dedicated to the precious ancient local varieties of good and fragrant fruit and to the many forgotten fruits that can be found in the woods – from berries to wild fruits – beautiful to look at but not edible, which you have to learn to recognize.
From 10.00 to 13.00 – Ancient varieties of beautiful and good fruit and berries, but not for everyone
Pomological exhibition in the fascinating Romanesque church of Santa Croce, curated by Isabella dalla Ragione
10.30 – 12.00 – Walk in the Woods among curiosities, delicacies and hidden dangers
A journey to discover the edible and poisonous flora of the Bosco di San Francesco, curated by Aldo Ranfa and Chiara Proietti (Department of civil and environmental engineering, University of Perugia)
12.30 pm Isabella dalla Ragione and Chiara Proietti (University of Perugia) answer questions and curiosities
12.00 – Guess who eats them? To each animal its fruit!
The presence of many animal species is inextricably linked to plants and their fruits; a workshop for children of all ages to discover that rose hips, blackberries, strawberry trees… we don’t just like them! edited by Hyla Group
Lunch break
Essential oils: natural but dangerous
Laboratory on essential oils and their uses, in the company of the agronomist Valentina Fuoco, expert in the production of medicinal plants
Two shifts
15.00 – 15.45
15.45 – 16.30
Hourly slots every 15 minutes from 9.45 am to 4.15 pm