
The Game and Toy Museum is an exhibition space for vintage games and toys, books, comic strips, vintage photographic and cinematographic machinery and represents a space for children in which to experiment with new forms of activity. The museum houses the collection of the Toy Museum Association, consisting of more than a thousand toys and period objects dating from 1800 to the present day. The museum illustrates, through the display of toys, the evolution of childhood conditions between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with toys divided according to themes such as: school, crafts, the countryside, the city, space, entertainment and the circus. It starts from the section dedicated to school, continuing with the game-food relationship, passing through simple games such as skittles, headbands and spinning tops, work toys, up to scientific toys and science fiction. The museum consists of about three thousand pieces including games, toys, books, posters, comics, stationery, of which about a thousand are permanently exhibited.

Guided tours of the play and toy museum are led by a museum expert who will involve adults and children in an interesting and original ludic-didactic experience.

The visit itinerary in fact provides a very close view of the toys as well as the children will be able to know directly the games of the past, observe their invoice, understand their operation with a moment dedicated to the projections of moving images carried out through a period magic lantern.

Suitable for children and adults of all ages.

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