farmhouse nizzi

We are in Assisi in the heart of the Umbrian countryside, in a lovely rural area.

Laboratory activities will take place at the facility such as:


Didactic educational objectives: To know the wax, the various types and techniques for making candles. Acquire
manual skills to develop creativity.

Description of the phases: Historical introduction on the processing of wax and evolution of the techniques over time. Types of waxes and their differences. Casting techniques. Finishing techniques


Educational didactic objectives: To know the paper: the various typologies. Acquire manual skills to develop creativity.

Description of the phases: Historical introduction on paper processing and evolution of techniques over time. How to obtain a sheet of paper – Methods and necessary equipment. Methods of preparing the cellulose mixture. Addition of ingredients to the cellulose. Sieve dipping technique. Drying. Pressing. Binding


Educational teaching objectives: To acquire manual skills to develop creativity.

Description of the phases: The types of gypsum to be used. Preparation of the mixture of water and plaster. Times and methods. Casting into molds. Hardening times. How to perfume plaster in a persistent way


Educational educational objectives: Learn about life in the countryside on the farm. Playful exploratory path through the places that characterize the environment of the farm, to discover the places where the farmer carries out his activities. The knowledge of the “games of the past” and therefore the rediscovery of one’s own history. Develop conviviality and inventiveness.

Description of the phases: Exploratory path through the places that characterize the agricultural environment: the orchard, the vegetable garden, the pond, the stable, the field. Reconnection with your ecological self, through the identification with the elements of nature and exploration through all the senses. Acquaintance with farm animals: hens, goats, horses, dogs, cats, etc. and wild animals (hare, pheasant, wild boar). “Country” games with stones, ropes, swings, water games in the pool, etc.

Where we are

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